24/7 access to your randstad temporary workforce.

Relevate Workforce Schedule is a comprehensive online scheduling and workforce planning tool that simplifies the management of a flexible workforce. With this, clients have access to a pool of pre-screened temporary Randstad workers and can easily increase or decrease staffing as needed.

the benefits include:

  • user-friendly interface
  • efficient processes
  • speed
  • time-saving
  • self-service tool
  • 24/7 transparency

how it works:

  • Pool Creation: Building the Ideal Pool of Candidates for Your Business 

    Based on your business requirements, we compile a pool of temporary workers that aligns with your needs.
  • MyRandstad App: Streamlining Communication and Availability

    Each temporary worker has access to the MyRandstad app, where they can register their availability, accept shifts, and receive important company news.
  • Onboarding Schedule Manager: Adapting to a New Scheduling System

    Your schedule manager can connect to the planning portal, adapting to a new and efficient way of scheduling and communication.
  • Planning: Clear Overview of Available Workers

    Your schedule manager has a clear overview of all available workers and can easily plan for temporary workers and approve worked hours.
  • Notification: Goodbye to Voicemail, Email, and WhatsApp

    Temporary workers receive an instant push notification about the job opportunity and can confirm or apply with just a few taps. Say goodbye to messy voicemail, email, and WhatsApp notifications.

get in touch.
